Sunday, November 23, 2008


I love pictures of abandoned buildings or places, there's just some kind of history and loneliness that draws me in. So when I was looking for abandoned building pictures I came across this one which l loved, its so full of personality. Graffiti usually has a bad connotation, but people fail to realize that behind it there is actually impressive adroitness, as is exemplified in this photo. The setting in which the graffiti takes place is really quite beautiful as well, not in a literal sense, its old and dirty and mouldy but I really find beauty in all of its imperfections. Perfection sometimes drives me away; real life isn't perfect, why should we hide that in photography?

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Here is another example of some simplistic photographs that I found, what can I say, I can't get enough of them. It's just something about the complete purity and sophistication, it's just so beautiful. It's funny, when I look up "simplicity" one of the describing words its "artlessness". I laugh at that, because it's not artless at all, in my eyes simplicity is more artful than anything else in the world. There is complexity in simplicity, it makes you think and wonder about the picture and try to dechiper it and in my mind that is complex. Simplicity and abstractness, those are the two elements that in my mind make a great picture.
More amazing (and simplistic) photography from the same artist: (blogger won't let me link this at the moment sorry)

Saturday, November 15, 2008


I really have always been attracted to pictures of blurry lights in the dark, and there are a lot of them, I just haven't found one I really liked until this one. I love how its abstract but still somewhat distinguishable, there are other elements in this picture other than just blurry lights. There's a shiny rail and a window of some kind, there's a man and a car and maybe buildings in the distance, its hard to make out, and to different people these elements may be something else. That's what I love about pictures like this; the meaning and characteristics are all up to you. But no matter how you look at it, it's beautiful all the same. This may just be my favorite out of all I've posted.


So last week I was waiting after school and I was bored so I looked at the reflection in the car and decided to take a picture. It was kind of an accident and it isn't a great picture, the quality is bad, its not really easy to understand, but I guess that's why I like it. There's me holding the camera, with construction behind me. Then you can also see the foot and figure of my little brother emerging (he had just gotten there and happened to get in the picture). You can also see elements of the car: a tire, a handle, a key lock. So I don't really know what is so great about the picture, I think just the fact that when you look at it you have to kind of stare at it for awhile to really figure it out. I also love pictures that have to do with reflections or shadows.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I really like this picture. Of course the perspective of the woman holding the man with her hand is what first attracted me to this picture but there are also other really great elements. There is a beautiful landscape, and I like how her hand is in focus and very detailed while the man is merely just a small shadow. There is a great lighting as well that gives the feel of evening just before the sun goes down on a gloomy day, but gloomy days are relaxing to me, so this picture is kind of relaxing.
I also like the sepia coloring this photo, it adds a nice touch to the over-all affect and impact of the picture.
Of course the main thing in this picture again would be the perspective, and that is a really important element in photography.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


So while I was searching in flickr I came across a 15-year-old girl who is a great photographer and an even better photoshopper which is really what makes her pictures so intriguing. The photos are also really abstract and creative and you have to look hard to find any kind of meaning because at first they are just so puzzling. Her usage of props really enhances the photos, and though I usually like photos that aren't set-up, her pictures are an exception because they are captivating.

Here you can see all of her wonderful pictures:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


This is a picture from national geograhic and it just stood out to me a lot. Whales are such majestic creatures so when I saw this my jaw just dropped because it seems so surreal.
As far as phtographic elements, I think the picture itself is just really the most outstanding aspect of this photo. The sheer astonishment in this picture is really enough, its almost out-of-this-world but you know its real. It kind of reminds me of magical realism. Sometimes you see photos that are so crazy that you think it must be fake, but its real, and I really love those.

Monday, November 3, 2008


This photo isn't of particularly good quality and definitely could be improved, but I like it, mainly because of the idea.
This picture was taken during a family trip to a college this Summer. We were looking around and went inside this building, which was dark and uninhabited since it was Summer. There was this long creepy dark hallway and I told my dad to take a picure of me standing there in the dark because I imagined it to be a cool picture. It was actually pitch black in the tunnel and you couldn't see a thing but the flash of the camera created the light surrounding me. So, I think the main thing that makes this picture great is the contrast between the white surrounding the figure, and then the dark figure.

Peers Photograph Critiques

This post is not about photography that I find interesting, but I was just looking through everybody's posts and I have to comment on how creative and artistic everybody is. Everybody had such interesting and different photos that they were attracted to, and everyone had a great way of articulating why they like them. Its just amazing how such a variation of photographs and ideas can all be so beautiful and striking in their own individual way. It really just amazed me as I looked through all the great photographs and descriptions so I just had to make a little comment about it.
Good job, everyone, and keep up the great work!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


What makes this photo so beautiful is the simplicity. Some people may look at it and just move on because it looks so boring, but that "boringness" and simplicity is what makes this picture so great. The only thing that really stands out in this picture is that imperfect fence. All pictures have a different aura to them, each picture makes you feel a certain way. This picture is calming, and it kind of just clears your mind. I think its in the simple, mundane, and often over-looked things that you can really find beauty.